Google Algorithm Updates

Google Algorithm used by Google Search to rank web pages in their search engine results and to promote the mobile-friendly website. As per the latest Google algorithm updates, promote a mobile-friendly site will get the favor of Google to appear on Google search results.

From April 21st, 2015 Mobile friendliness is now having a significant impact on how prominently a website appears on the search engine result page.

This way Google has made it mandatory that a website when searched on mobile devices should fit well on the device in terms of text, graphics, content and it should give a good user experience.

Our website design and development company website has passed the Search giants   Mobile-Friendly Test developer tool.


Mobile Friendly Test-unisoftinformatics

You can also test your website for mobile-friendliness though this tool.  Google is also offering developer tools for making websites compliant with the mobile-friendly guidelines.

So now whether a website is services based or product based, get ready to make the website compliant with Google algorithm changes for a mobile-friendly site.

Don’t worry if your website is not ready or failed this test. Unisoft Informatics can help you redesign the website into a fully responsive website that would fit well on all mobile devices including mobile, laptop, tablet, etc.

Request a quote to Website Design Services and get a fully responsive website on affordable price.